ORS 696.026

1. A real estate licensee may conduct professional real estate activity under:

  • The name of the licensee
  • A registered business name
  • A name prescribed by rule by the Real Estate Agency

2. Only a real estate licensee may register a business name

3. Registered business name under which a real estate licensee conducts professional real estate activity has no license standing

4. Real estate licensee operating under a business name registered by the licensee need not be an owner or officer of the organization entitled to use the registered business name.  However, all professional real estate activity conducted by or on behalf of the real estate licensee must be conducted under the business name registered by the licensee

5. A licensee may register 2 or more business names if the business names are for affiliated or subsidiary entities (and the licensee may conduct professional real estate activity separately under each business name)

6. A real estate broker employed, engaged or supervised by a principal real estate broker may have an ownership interest in any business through which the principal real estate broker conducts professional real estate activity, but may not control or supervise the professional real estate activity of the principal real estate broker and may not interfere with or be responsible for the training an supervision of any other real estate broker

7. A non-licensed individual may have an ownership interest in any business through which a real estate broker or principal real estate broker engages in professional real estate activity but may not control or supervise the professional real estate activity of any real estate broker or principal real estate broker licensed to control or supervise the professional real estate activity of the business

8. 2 or more real estate brokers operating under the same registered business name who do not exercise administrative or supervisory control over one another are solely responsible for their own real estate activity

9. OAR 863-024-0095

  • Business entity created with the OR Sec of State must be registered with the Real Estate Agency
  • A business name registration becomes void when the Real Estate Agency receives notice of the termination of the use of the business name.