Transferor must provide the following info to the Real Estate Agency on the transfer form:
- Name, mailing address and license number of the licensee that is transferring the license or documenting the authorized use of the registered business name
- Whether the license is currently active or inactive
- If the real estate broker is associated with a sending principal broker, certification that the real estate broker provided written notice of the transfer to the sending principal broker, and that such notice was provided before the date the transfer form is submitted to the Real Estate Agency including either: (i) date of personal service, or (ii) date certified letter was delivered
- If the licensee seeks to use a different registered business name, certification that the licensee provided written notice of such change to the authorized licensee for the current registered business name, and that such notice was provided before the date the transfer form is submitted to the Real Estate Agency including either: (i) date of personal service, or (ii) date certified letter was delivered
- If applicable, the receiving principal broker’s registered business name, street address and registered business name id number
- If applicable, the street address, registered business name id number and the registered business name under which the real estate licensee will be authorized to conduct professional real estate activity
- The receiving broker’s or authorized licensee’s name, license number, telephone number, date and signature
Principal real estate broker with whom a licensee is associated remains responsible for the licensee’s professional real estate activity until the transfer is approved and the transfer fee is paid.
If a principal real estate broker with whom a real estate broker is associated voluntarily gives the license to the real estate broker named in the license, the principal real estate broker remains responsible for the licensee’s subsequent professional real estate activity until the approval of the termination of the relationship with the principal real estate broker and the fee is paid.