OAR 863-024-0085

Property manager authorization of another to supervise property management activity

 OAR 863-024-0085

  • A property manager may authorize another property manager to control and supervise his or her property management activity during the property manager’s absence for a period not to exceed 90 days.
  • Both licensees have joint responsibility for all property management activity conducted during the authorizing property manager’s absence.
  • Written authorization must be filed with the Real Estate Agency that includes the following:
    • Authorization cannot exceed 90 days.
    • Affirmation by supervising property manager that the property manager accepts the supervisory responsibility
    • Affirmation by both property managers that they are jointly responsible for the property management activity during the dates of authorization.
  • This provision is an exception to OAR 863-014-0095(7) that prohibits a principal broker from engaging in professional real estate activities under more than one registered business name since a supervising principal broker may conduct professional real estate activity under both the authorizing principal broker’s registered business name and the supervising principal broker’s registered business name.